abandon of spontaneity abandoned hope abashed and ashamed abashed into silence abated pride abatement of misery abbreviated visit aberrations of judgment abhorred thraldom abhorrence and repulsion abhorrence of meanness abiding romance abilities and attainments abject and hopeless abject submission abjured ambition able strategist ably and vigorously abnormal talents abominably perverse abounding happiness abounding with plenty abridged statement abrogated law abrupt and perilous abrupt transition absence of vainglory absolute and eternal absolutely irrevocable absorbed and occupied absorbed in meditation absorbed reverie abstemious diet abstinence and self-denial abstract and metaphysical abstract character abstruse reasoning absurd and impertinent absurdly dangerous abundant and sustained abundant opportunity abuse and slander abusive epithet abysmally apologetic abyss of ignominy academic rigor accelerated progress accent of conviction accentual and rhythmic accentuated playfulness accepted littleness accessible pleasures accessory circumstances accidental and temporary accidental lapse accommodating temper accomplished and popular accomplished ease accord with nature accredited agent accretions of time accumulated burden accumulation of ages accuracy of aim accurate and illuminating accurate appraisement accursed enemy accusing glance accustomed lucidity achievement and character aching desire acknowledged authority acoustical effects acquired timidity acquisition and possession acquisition of knowledge acrid controversy acrimonious warfare act with deliberation active and aggressive actively zealous activity of attention actual and immediate actualized ideals acute and painful acutely conscious acuteness of sensibility adamantine rigidity adaptive wit addicted to flattery adduced facts adequate execution adherence to principle adhesive quality administered rebuke admirable and accomplished admirable reserve admissible evidence admittedly inferior admixture of fear admonitory gesture adolescent youth adorable vanity adorn with beauty adorned and amplified adroit flatterer adroitness and judgment adulated stranger adventitious way adventurous and prodigal adventurous mind adverse experience advice and assistance affable and courteous affable in manner affably accommodating affect to believe affectation and coquetry affectation of content affected by externals affected indifference affectionate and warm-hearted affectionate approval affianced lady affinity of events affirmative attitude afflict with ugliness affluent and exuberant affluent language affright and abhorrence affrighted slave aflame with life age of ignorance agencies and influences ages and generations aggrandizement and plunder aggravated faults aggregate body aggressive and sullen aggressive selfishness aghast and incredulous agile mind agility and briskness agility of brain agitate and control agitated imagination agonizing appeal agony and despair agony of despair agreeable and ingenuous agreeable frankness aids and auxiliaries aim and purpose aimless confusion air of assumption airy and frivolous airy splendor akin to truth alarm and uneasiness alarming rapidity alert acceptance alert and unsparing algebraic brevity alien splendor alive to opportunity all and sundry all-pervading influence allayed by sympathy alleged reluctance allegiance and fidelity allegorical vein allied subjects allied to virtue allied with economy alliterative suggestion alluring idleness alone and undistracted alterations and additions alternating opinion altogether dissimilar altruistic ideal amatory effusions amazement and admiration amazing artifice ambidextrous assistant ambiguity and disagreement ambiguous grimace ambition and determination ambitious of success ambitious project ambling pedestrian ambrosial essence amenable to reason amiability of disposition amiable and unpretending amiable solicitude amicable arrangement amorous youth ample and admirable ample culture amplitude of space amusing and clever amusing artlessness anachronisms of thought analogous example analytical and critical analytical survey anarchy and chaos ancestral creed anchor of moderation ancient and venerable ancient garb anecdote and reminiscence angelic softness anger and fury angle of vision angry protestations anguish and hopelessness anguished entreaty angular features animated and effective animated by victory animated eloquence annoying complications annulment of influence anomalies and absurdities anomalous appearance anonymous benefactor answering response antagonism and opposition antagonistic views antecedent facts anticipate with delight anticipated attention antipathies and distastes antiquated and obsolete antiquated prudery anxiety and trepidation anxious misgiving apathetic greeting apathy and torpor aphoristic wit aping of manners apish agility apocalyptic vision apocryphal lodger apologetic and uneasy apologetic explanation apostle of culture apostrophic dignity appalling and devastating appalling difficulties apparent and palpable apparent significance appealing picture appearance and surroundings appointed function apposite illustration appraised by fashion appreciable relief appreciative fervor apprehensive and anxious apprehensive dread apprentice touch appropriate and eloquent appropriate designation approve and admire approving smile approximately correct apt and novel aptly suggested arbitrarily imposed arch conspirator arched embrasure archeological pursuits architectural grandeur archness and vivacity ardent and aspiring ardent protest ardor of life arduous quest argument and inference arid and unprofitable arid formula aristocratic lineage aromatic fragrance arrangement and combination arrant trifling arrested development arrogance of opinion arrogant and overbearing arrogant imposition artful adaptation artificial and elaborate artificial suavity artistic and literary artistic elegance artless candor artlessness and urbanity ascending supremacy ascertain with exactness ascetic devotion ascribed productiveness ashamed and speechless aspect of grandeur aspects and phases aspire to rule aspiring and triumphal aspiring genius assailed by conscience assembled arguments asserted activity assiduity and success assiduously cultivated assimilated and combined assimilative power assuaged and pacified assumed humiliation assumption of sternness assuredly enshrined astonished and curious astonishing facility astound and perplex astounding mistakes astute observer athletic and nimble athletic prowess atmosphere of obscurity atmospheric vagueness atone in measure atonement and forgiveness atoning sacrifice atrocious and abominable atrocious expression atrophied view attacks and intrigues attained by effort attempt to suppress attended with danger attending circumstances attention and respect attentive deference attenuated sound attested loyalty attitude of mind attitudes and expressions attractive exordium attractiveness and ability attribute of weakness audacious mendicant audacity and skill audible intimations augmented force august and splendid august tribunal auspicious moment austere and icy austere charm austerities of fanaticism authentic indications authoritative critic authority of manner autobiographical pages autocratic power automatic termination autumnal skies auxiliary aids available and capable available data avalanche of scorn avarice and cruelty avaricious eyes avenging fate avenues of dissemination average excellence aversion to publicity avert by prayer averted calamity avidity and earnestness avowed intention awake and active awakened curiosity awe and reverence awed devotion awful dejection awkward dilemma awkwardness and crudity axiomatic truth azure sky babbling gossip babel and confusion babel of tongues bacchanalian desires bachelor freedom backbone and sinew bad omen baffled and disappointed baffled sagacity balanced and forceful balanced capacity baldly described baleful glances ballasted by brains balmy fragrance ban of exclusion bandying talk baneful impression banished silence barbarity and wickedness barbarous statecraft bards and sages barefaced appeal barest commonplaces barren in intellect barren of enthusiasm barren opportunities barriers of reticence bars of sunlight base and unworthy base intrigues baseless assumptions bashful modesty basic principles basis of fact basking in sunshine battered witticism beam and blaze beam of moonlight beam with self-approval beaming countenance bearing and address bearish rudeness beast of prey beatific vision beautiful and majestic beautiful modesty beauty of imagery beckoning horizon becoming diffidence bedraggled and disappointed bedraggled wretch befitting honor befogged and stupefied beggared of faith beggarly flimsiness beguile into reading beguiling voice behave with servility belated acknowledgment beliefs and practises belittling fears bellicose humanity bellowing and shouting beneficent career benevolence and candor benevolent regard benighted sense benign and hopeful benignant pity bent and disposition bent of mind benumbed and powerless beseeching gesture beset by difficulties besetting heresy besotted fanaticism bestial ferocity betray into speech betrayal of trust bevy of maidens bewildered and stupefied bewildering maze bewilderment of feeling bewitching airs beyond peradventure bibulous diversions big with fate bigoted contempt bigots and blockheads billing and cooing binding obligation birds of prey birth and breeding bit of portraiture bite and sting bits and scraps bitter and disdainful bitter recrimination bitterness of anguish bizarre apparel black and solitary blackening west blackness of spirit blameless indolence blanched desolation bland and ingenious bland confidence blandishments of society blank misgivings blasphemous and profane blasphemous hypocrisy blast of adversity blatant discourse blaze of fury blazing audacity blazoned shield bleak and unrelenting bleak loneliness blend and harmonize blend of dignity blended impression blending into harmony blessed condolence blessing and benediction blighted happiness blind and unreasoning blind partizan blind to demonstration blinded with tears bliss of solitude blissful consciousness blistering satire blithe disregard bloated equivalent bloodless creature bloodthirsty malice bloom of earth blow of fate blundering and plundering blundering discourtesy blunt rusticity blurred and confused blurred vision blush with shame bluster and vulgarity blustering assertion boast and assertion boastful positiveness bodily activity boisterous edification bold and haughty bold generalization boldness of conception bombast and egotism bombastic prating bond of alliance bone and sinew bone of contention bookish precision boon companion boorish abuse bored demeanor borrowed grace bottomless abyss bound by opinion boundless admiration boundless and unlimited bountiful supply bourgeois and snobbish bouts of civility boyish appreciation brag and chatter braggart pretense branded by defeat branded with cowardice bravado and cowardice brave and chivalrous bravely vanquished braying trumpet brazen importunity breach of law breath of life breathless and reverential breathless eagerness breeze of anxiety brevity and condensation bribery and corruption brief and pithy brief tenure briefless barrister bright and vivacious bright interlude brilliancy and grace brilliancy of wit brilliant embodiment brimful of fun bring into disrepute brisk and enlivening brisk energy bristling temper brittle sarcasm broad and deep broadening fame broil of politics broken murmurs brood of emotions brooding and solemn brooding peace brought to repentance brow of expectation brunt of disgrace brutal and degrading brutal composure bubbling frivolities bubbling with laughter bucolic cudgeling budding joy bulk of mankind bulks and masses bulky figure bullied into silence bundle of conceptions bungling and trifling buoyancy of youth buoyant pluck burden of proof burdensome business buried in solitude burly strength burn into memory burn with indignation burning zeal burst into view burst of confidence bursting laugh busily engrossed business acumen business of life businesslike and practicable bustle and business bygone period cabalistic phrase cadaverous appearance cadences of delirium cajoled and bullied calamitous course calamity and sorrow calculating admiration call in question call into question callous and impervious callous indifference calm resignation calmness and composure calmness of manner calumnious suspicions calumny and exaggeration calumny of passion candor and kindness cant and hypocrisy cantankerous enemy canting hypocrite capable and efficient capacious mind capacity and ability caprice of inclination capricious allurements capricious and unreasonable captivating speech cardinal merit career and occupation careless of opinion careless parrying cares and anxieties caressing grasp carping and ungenerous carping critic carry into conflict castellated towers casual and transient casual violation cataclysmic elements catholicity of spirit cause of solicitude causelessly frightened causes and circumstances caustic remark cautious and reticent cautious skepticism cavernous gloom ceaseless vigilance celebrated and praised celebrated instance celerity and violence celerity of movement celestial joy censorious critic centralized wealth ceremonious courtesy ceremony and splendor certain and verifiable cerulean blue chafe and exasperate chagrin and despondency chain of evidence challenge admiration chance and opportunity chance reflections change and variety change of habitude changing exigencies chaos and confusion chaos of confusion chaotic plans character and temperament characteristic and complete characteristic audacity characterized by discretion charges and insinuations charitable allowance charm and perfection charming radiance chary instincts chaste and refined chastened by sorrow chastened hope chatty familiarity cheap and convenient cheap resentment checked and thwarted cheek by jowl cheerfulness and gaiety cheery response chequered career cherish and guard cherished objects chief and paramount childlike ingenuousness chill into apathy chill of indifference chilled and stiffened chilled cynicism chimera of superstition chirpy familiarities chivalrous spirit choicest refinements choleric and sanguine choleric temperament choral chant chorus of approbation chronic frailties churlish temper churlishness and violence circle of hills circling eddyings circuitous information circulated by malice circumscribed purpose citation and allusion civic consciousness civility and communicativeness civilized and cultured civilizing influence claim to perpetuity clammy death clamor of envy clamorous and wild clamorous vibration clangorous industry clap of thunder claptrap and platitude clarion tone clarity and straightforwardness clarity of thinking clash of arms class demarcations classical and perspicuous classical objurgation clatter and clang clattering accents clear and decisive clear insight cleverness and acuteness climactic revelation clinching proof cling with tenacity cloak of ecclesiasticism cloaked nature clogged and dulled clogged by insincerity cloistered virtue close condensation clothe with authority clothed in truth cloudy magnificence clownishly insensible cloying in sweetness cloying sweetness clumsy and smudgy clumsy talk clustering trees coarse and grotesque coarse necessity coaxed and threatened coaxing eloquence code of morals coercive enactment coexistent and correlative cogency of argument cogent and conclusive cogent statement coherent thinking cohesion and sequence coined metaphor cold and unemotional cold formalities collateral duties collective wisdom colloquial display colonial character colored by environment colossal failure comatose state combative tone combination of calamities come to nothing comely and vivacious comfort and security comforting reassurance comic infelicity coming into vogue command and threaten command of wit commanding attitude commendable purpose commercial opulence commingled emotion committed to righteousness commodiously arranged common and familiar common substratum common to humanity commonplace allusions commotion and annoyance community of interest compact and complete compact fitness comparative scantiness comparison and discrimination compass and power compass of imagination compassionate love compatible with freedom compelling force compendious abstract compensatory character competent and experienced competent authority competitive enterprise complacent platitudes complaining sea complaints and imprecations complaisance and readiness complaisant observation complete aloofness complete and permanent complex and various complex notions complexity of life complicated maze complimentary glance comply with tradition component aspects composed zeal composite growth composure and gracefulness compound idea comprehensive and accurate comprehensive design compressed view compression and pregnancy compromising rashness compulsory repetition compunctious visitings concatenated pedantries conceal and deny conceal with difficulty concealed advantage conceit and impertinence conceivable comparison conceived and consummated concentrated and intensified concentrated vigor conception and treatment concern and wonder concerted action conciliating air concise and emphatic concomitant events concrete and definite concrete realities concurrent testimony condemnable rashness condemned and upbraided condemned by posterity condescending badinage conditional approval conditions and limitations conducive to happiness confessed ardor confession and doubt confidence and loyalty confidence of genius confident in opinion confidently anticipated confirmed by habit confirmed misanthrope conflict of will conflicting influences conformable to fact confused mingling confusion and dismay confute in argument congratulations and welcomings conjectural estimate conjugal felicity connected series connection and interdependence connotative damage connubial love conquered and transformed conquering intelligence conquest and acquisition conquest of difficulty conscientious objection conscious repugnance consciously and purposely consciousness of peril consecrated endeavor consequent retribution conservative distrust considerate hint consigned to oblivion consistent and harmonious consistent friendliness consistent with facts consoled by prayer consoling consciousness conspicuous and impressive conspicuous ascendency conspired and contrived constant and intimate constant reiteration constellation of luminaries constitutional reserve constrained politeness constrained to speak constructive and vital constructive idealists consuming zeal consummate mastery contagion of conflict contagious wit contaminating influence contemn and decry contemplative in aspect contemplative nature contemporary fame contempt and indignation contemptuous disrespect contented indolence contentment and serenity contingent reasons continuity of life continuous and undeviating continuous endeavor contorted and fantastic contorted expression contracted view contradiction of terms contradictions and inconsistencies contradictory theories contrariety of opinion contrary tendencies contrast and comparison contrasted types contribution to knowledge contrivance and disguise controversial disputant contumelious epithet convenient footing conventional and limited conventional verbiage conversational decorum convinced by argument convincing forcefulness convivial habits convulsed by divisions convulsion of laughter convulsive agony cool and indifferent cool confidence copious materials copiousness and vivacity copiousness of diction coquettish advances cord of sympathy cordial and cheerful cordial approval corporate selfishness corporeal constituent correct forecast corresponding variation corroborated truth corrosive effect corrupting tendency corruption and decay cosmical changes cosmopolitan position costly advantages costly and gorgeous counselor and guide countenance of authority counterbalancing power countless and indescribable countless barriers courage and endurance courage of conviction courageous eagerness course of existence courted and feted courteous and sympathetic courteous solicitude courtliness of manner courtly bearing cover of hospitality covered with ignominy covert curiosity coveted and deserved coveted honors cowardly concession cowering agitation coy and furtive coy reluctance crackling laughter crafty deception craggy eminence cramped and distorted cramped energies crash of thunder crass stolidity craven determination creative and inventive creative faculty creature of circumstance credibly informed creditable performance credulity and ignorance credulous superstition creeds and dogmas creeping progress crime and misdemeanor criminal negligence cringe into favor cringing smile crippled and maimed crises and struggles crisp and sparkling crisp dialogue criteria of feeling critical and skeptical critical judgment crouching culprit crowded and jostled crown of civilization crowned and sceptered crowning indiscretion crucial instance crucifying irony crude affectation crude and primitive crudity of thought cruel and rapacious cruel handicap crumbled into dust crumbling and shapeless crumbling precipice crunching jangle crush with sorrow crushed and bewildered crushing sorrow cry of despair cryptic saying crystalline sky crystallized conclusions crystallized into action culinary myrmidons culminating fascination culpable behavior cultivated ferocity cultured and refined cultured idleness cumbrous and diffuse cumbrous fragments cumbrous in style cumulative tendency cunning and cruelty cunningly contrived curbed profligacy curious and inexpressible curious coincidence curl of contempt current gossip current of thought curry favor cursed inactivity cursory acquaintance curt formality curtained embrasure curved and channeled customs and manners cutting directness cycloramic sweep cynical and contemptuous cynical disregard damaging admission damask cheek dampened ardor dancing sunshine dangerous temerity dangers and pitfalls dappled shadows daring and resolute daring candor dark and starless dark superstition darkened by shadows darkness of calamity dart and quiver dash into fragments dash of eccentricity dashing and careless dashing gallantry dastardly injustice dates and details dauntless courage dawning instinct dawning of recognition day of reckoning daylight of faith dazed brain dazzled and confounded dazzled by fame dazzling triumph deadly virulence deaf to entreaty deaf tribunal deathless structure debased and demoralized debasing tendency debatable point debilitating and futile debilitating features decadent poets decay of authority deceiving mists decencies and restraints deception and cruelty decided and definite decided superiority decisive manner declamation and delivery declamatory treatment declaration of indifference declared brotherhood decline and decay decorously adorned dedicated to friendship deductions and inferences deeds of prowess deep and subtle deep-seated curiosity deep-toned lamentations deepen into confusion deepening dusk deface and injure defame and tarnish defective construction defects of temper defenseless innocence defensive alliance deference and concession deference to custom deferential regard defiant and antagonistic defiant coldness deficient and unskilled deficient in insight deficient vitality definite and memorable definite conception deformed visage deft and offensive deft evasion degenerate into monotony degraded and dishonored degrading tendencies degree of hostility delectable speculations delegated power deliberate abnegation deliberate and effective delicacy of thought delicate and lambent delicate discrimination delicious vagueness delight and consolation delight in learning delightful variation delirious ecstasies delirium of wonder deluded into believing delusion and trickery delusive charm demagogic style demands and expectations demeanor and conduct democratic institutions demoniacal force demonstrable conclusion demoralizing and enfeebling demoralizing luxury demure composure denial and defense dense and luminous denunciations and censures denunciatory terms deny with emphasis departed glories deplorable and baneful deplorable decay depraved by pain depravity and frivolity deprecatory shrug depressed with fear depressing and discouraging depressing concomitants depth and richness depth of despair depthless forest dereliction of duty derision and skepticism derisive voice derogation of character derogatory denial descent into death described and classified descriptive power desecrated ideals desecration and decay deserted desert deserved approbation designs and activities desirable distinction desires and motives desolating dread desolation and wretchedness despairing austerity despatch and resolution desperate defiance desperation and defiance despicable vices despise and satirize despoiled and destroyed despoiled of riches despondency and melancholy despondent exaggeration despotic rulers despotism and coercion destitute of power destitution and misery destructive radicalism desultoriness of detail desultory and slipshod desultory vacillation detached and isolated detailed portraiture detected hypocrisies deterioration in quality determinate swing determined and courageous detestable and intolerable detestable purpose dethroned princes detrimental result devastating effect development and culture device of secrecy devilish sophistries deviously subtle devitalized personality devoid of merit devoted and unwavering devoted attachment devoted to ideals devoured by curiosity devouring ambition devout thanksgiving devoutness of faith dewy coolness dexterity of phrase dexterous impudence diabolical passion dialectic power diametrically opposite diapason of motives dictates of conscience dictatorial and insolent dictatorial manner diction and pronunciation dictionary significance didactic exposition difference in detail difference of opinion differences and disputes different distortion difficult and arduous difficult of attainment difficult portraiture diffidence and constraint diffident civility diffuse verbosity diffuseness and warmth dignified and austere dignified austerity dignity of thought digressional adventure digressive and wanton dilapidations of time dilatory and hesitating dilettante mind diligent and sedulous diligent in application diligently propagated dim and distant dim comprehension diminish in respect diminished efficacy diminution of brutality diminutive stature din and traffic diplomatic skill dire consummation direct obligation directed and controlled disabilities of age disagreeable and painful disappointed and abashed disappointing attitude disapprobation and condemnation disapproval and apprehension disarmed criticism disastrous termination discarded reminiscences discerning critic discipline and development disciplined mind disclosed insincerity discomfited opponent discomfiture and degradation disconcerted and dismayed disconcerted conjecture disconnected fancies disconsolate opinions discontent and disquiet discordant sounds discords and differences discouraging and distressing discovery and invention discredited statement discretion and moderation discretional opinion discriminating homage discursive staggerings disdain and mockery disdainful comment diseased hallucinations disembodied personality disengaged air disfigured and shapeless disfiguring disguise disgrace and ruin disgraceful plight disgruntled pessimist disguised contempt disgust and dismay disgusted by servility disgusted protest disheartening facts dishonor and ruin dishonorable submission disillusioned and ironical disillusioned youth disintegrating tendency disintegration and decay disinterested and gracious disinterested motive disjoined reminiscences disjointed and voluble dislike and disdain dislocation and chaos dismal seclusion dismantled appearance dismay and apprehension disordered imagination disparaging criticism dispassionate judgment dispelling fear dispense with formality dispirit and discourage display of prowess displeasing softness disposed to cavil disposition and power disproportionate ideas disputative philosopher disquieting thrill disquietude and uneasiness disreputable aspect dissenting opinion dissimilar laws dissipated illusion dissolute and hateful dissolute audacity dissolve and disappear dissolve into nothingness dissolving years dissonant jargon distant adherent distant and diverse distasteful notion distempered feeling distended and distorted distinct desideratum distinctive and appropriate distinctness of vision distinguishing and differentiating distort with passion distorted vanity distortion of symmetry distracting babble distraught air distress and humiliation distressing laxity distrust and aversion disturbed and anxious disturbed equanimity diurnal rotation divergent calculations diverging and contracting diversified attributes diversity of aspect diverting interests divine potentialities divinity of tradition dizzy precipice docile and obedient documentary evidence dogged determination doggerel expressions dogma and ritual dogmatic assurance doleful forebodings domain of imagination domestic endearment dominant and permanent dominating influence domineering insolence doomed to destruction dormant and subdued dormant capacities doubly odious doubt and trepidation doubtful authenticity downright nonsense downtrodden drudge drab apology dragged into pursuit drama of action dramatic and sensational dramatic liveliness drastic action drastic and revolutionary drawn into controversy dread and terror dread presence dream of vengeance dreaming adventurer dreamless rest dreams and ambitions dreariness and desolation dreary disrelish dregs and sediments dribbling into words drill and discipline driveling and childish driven by remorse driven into servitude driven to despair droll incongruity drollery and ridicule droning world drooping and disconsolate drop of comfort drowsy tranquillity dubious and dangerous dubious success ductile language ductility of expression dulcet tone dull and spiritless dull aversion dull of comprehension dulled into acquiescence dumb and nerveless dumb surprise dumbfounded amazement dupe and victim duplicities of might duplicity and equivocation durable impression dusky obscurity dust and oblivion dust of defeat duties and difficulties dutiful compliance dwarf to unimportance dwarfed and obscured dwarfed in numbers dwindle and disappear dynamic energy dynastic insolence eager animosity eagerness and ecstasy early servitude earnestly espoused earnestness and animation earnestness of enthusiasm earthly splendor ease and lightness easy garrulity easy of access ebb and flow ebullitions of anger eccentric casuists eccentricity of judgment ecclesiastical rule echo with merriment echoless silence eclectic and assimilated economic absurdity ecstasy of despair ecstatically happy edifying and enchanting edifying exhortation education and skill educational enterprise effect of loveliness effective and competent effective embellishment effectual stimulus effeminate grace effervescent multitude effete aristocracy efficacious power efficacy of change efficiency and success efficient education efflorescent style effulgent daybeams effusion of sentiment egoistic sentiment egotism and bigotry egregious mistake ejaculatory prayer elaborate composition elaboration and display elastic ductility elasticity of mind elation and delight electric effluvium electrify into activity elegance and gentility elegant mediocrity element of compulsion elemental emotions elementary and simple elephantine footsteps elevate and ennoble elevated enjoyment elevated into importance elevation of sentiment elfish grace eligibility and suitableness elongated and narrow eloquence of passion eloquent and expressive eloquent refutation elusive and exquisite elusive charm emancipating labors embarrassed and concerned embarrassed by timidity embarrassing variety embellished truths embittered and despairing embittered gaze emblazoned pinnacles embodiment and actualization embryo enterprise emerald scintillations emerged and flowered eminent and remarkable eminent nonentity emoluments and honors emotion and passion emotional warmth emotions of joy emotive power emphasize and magnify emphatic earnestness empirical corroboration employment and profession empowered to act empty phraseology emulative zeal emulous of truth enamored troubadour enchanted garden encircling embrace encouraged by success encouragement and stimulus encroachments of time encumbrance of mystery end in smoke endeared to all endearing appellation endless dissertation endow with intelligence endued with faith endure with fortitude enduring charm energetic enthusiasm energy and activity energy of youth enervating humility enfeebled activity enfeebled and exhausted enfeebled by age enfold and enwrap enforced by action enforced silence engaging affability engendered feelings engrossing purpose engulfed and buried engulfing waters enhanced reputation enigma of life enigmatical silence enjoined by religion enjoyment and satisfaction enlightened solicitude enlightenment and progress enlivened monotony ennobling personality enormously outbalanced enquire into precedents enraptured and amazed enraptured attention enriched and ennobled enriched by gifts enriched experience enslave and dominate entangled subject enter into controversy enterprising and intelligent entertaining and diverting enthralling charm enthusiasm and zeal enthusiastic adherents enticing and alluring enticing odors entire and complete entire domain entrancing sadness enumerate in detail enveloping presence envenomed attacks enviable superiority environing conditions environment and training envy and despair ephemeral and feeble ephemeral duration epicurean taste epigrammatic sallies episodes and interludes epithet and description equable composure equality and solidarity equally efficacious equanimity of mind equitably governed equity and justice equivocal compliment era of fads erotic poem errant thoughts erratic and confused erratic flight erroneous assumption error of judgment errors and infirmities erudite labors eruptive violence esoteric doctrine especial pleasure essence of eloquence essential and predominating essential prerequisite established by convention estimable and agreeable estimable qualities eternal and sublime eternal hostility ethereal azure ethical and religious ethical wisdom euphuistic affectations evanescent glances evangelic doctrine evasive answer eventful circumstance eventual failure ever and anon everlasting mysteries everyday reality evident and manifest evident authority evil necromancy eviscerating shrieks evoked by shame exact antithesis exacting taskmaster exactitude and completeness exaggerate and distort exaggerated estimate exaltation and enthusiasm exalted imagination examination and comparison examine with curiosity examples and models exasperating coolness exasperations and paroxysms exceedingly acceptable excellence of vision excellent and worthy excellent discernment exceptional and remarkable exceptional magnitude excess of candor excessive and unreasonable excessive zeal excitable and irritable excitable temperament excitation of purpose excite to pity exclusive and limited exclusive pursuit excretory secretion excruciating accents excursive fancy excursiveness of thought excusable and justifiable execrable villainy execration and defiance executive efficiency exemplary conduct exertion and excitement exhaustion and fatigue exhaustless energy exhibition and display exhibition of joy exhilarating and beneficial exhilarating charm exhilaration of spirits exigency and requirement exoteric scorn exotic appearance expand into weakness expansive and digressive expansive benevolence expectant throng expediency and utility expeditionary force expeditiously secreted expenditure of energy expensive and unprofitable experience and skill experienced in duplicity experiment and explorations experimental suggestion expert and vigorous expiatory sacrifices explanation and elucidation explicit injunction explore and examine explosion of rage explosive violence exposed to derision expression of sternness expressionless visage expressions and exclamations expressive and effective expressive lineaments exquisite and powerful exquisite tact extemporaneous effusion extended magnitude extension of experience extent and importance extenuating circumstance external cheerfulness extraneous ideas extraordinary and unexpected extraordinary vivacity extravagance of eulogy extravagant and grotesque extravagant caprice extreme and morbid extremely picturesque extremity of fortune exuberance of wit exuberant and infectious exuberant mirth exultant condition fabric of fact fabulous and fabricated face with indifference facetious mood facile and brilliant facile criticism facility of expression factitious propensity facts and traditions faculties and powers faculty of perception fade into insignificance faded and withered faded magnificence failure of coordination failures and misadventures faint and obscure faintly sinister fair and impartial faith and reverence faithfully perpetuated fall into decay fallacious hopes fallacy and danger false and fugitive false illusions faltering tongue fame and fortune familiar and gracious familiar sacredness famished voracity famous and foremost fanatical admiration fancies and sentiments fanciful alliance fanciful and chimerical fantastic and meretricious fantastic display far-reaching influence farcical expedient fascinated, by mystery fascinating illusiveness fascination and awe fashion and frivolity fashion into festoons fashioned symmetrically fastidious and exacting fastidious taste fatal disclosure fatalistic belief fathomless powers fatigued and careworn fatiguing assertion fattening servitude fatuous pedantry faultless taste faults and delusions favorable augury favored by fortune favors and kindnesses fawning flatteries fear and bewilderment fearful imprecations fearless integrity feasible and practical feasible mode feast of reason feats of strength feeble dribble feeble in influence feebleness and folly feebleness of purpose feeling and passion feeling of uneasiness feigned reluctance felicities of expression felicitous and exquisite felicitous expression feminine capriciousness ferocious and mercenary ferocious foe fertile fancy fertile in consequence fertility and vigor fertility of invention fervent invocation fervid enthusiasm fervor and simplicity fervor of devotion festive illuminations fetid dampness fettered by systems fettered tyranny feverish bewilderment feverishly and furiously fickle and uncertain fickle fancy fickleness of fortune fictitious pretext fidelity and zeal fidgety impatience field of activity fierce and menacing fierce resentment fierceness of jealousy fiery and controversial fiery indignation figurative eloquence filial tenderness final and irreversible final enthronement fine sensibilities fineness of vision finish and completeness finished artistry fire of imagination fired by wrath fireside delights firm and decisive firmament of literature firmness of purpose first and foremost fit of laughter fitful and capricious fitful desire fitness of circumstance fitting and appropriate fitting opportunity fixity and finality fixity of purpose fizzing flame flaccid faith flag of truce flagging popularity flagitious attack flagrant boasting flamboyant brilliancy flame into war flaming and mendacious flaming zeal flare and flicker flash of humor flashing wit flashlight of introspection flat denial flatness and insipidity flattering aspect flattery and toadyism flaunting insolence flawless constitution fleecy clouds fleeting intimation fleetness of foot flexibility of spirit flexible and spontaneous flicker of recognition flickering and ambiguous flickering conscience flight of fancy flighty and impetuous flighty obstinacy flimsy organization flippant and contemptuous flippant ease floating blackness flood of hatred florid and healthy florid oratory flotsam and jetsam flourish in luxuriance flourish of manner flow and fullness flower into sympathy flower of life flowery and figurative flowery circumlocution flowing imagery fluctuating and transitory fluctuating light fluctuation of fortune fluency and flippancy fluent sophist fluffy indignation fluid ideas flush of youth flushed embarrassment flushed with pride flutter of expectation fluttering and restless fluttering laugh fly to platitudes focus and concentrate focused attention fog of sentimentalism foggy notion fogs and complications foibles and follies foiled and defeated folly and indecorum fond enthusiast foolish frenzy fools and underlings forbearing silence forbid by authority forbidding air force and effectiveness force of conviction forced into action forceful audacity foredoomed to failure foregone conclusion foremost opponent forensic orator forest of faces forest stillness forgotten graveyard forlorn desolation form of captiousness formal acquiescence formal and cold formidable and profound formidable barrier formless jottings formlessness and exaggeration formulated conclusions fortified by faith fortified selfishness fortitude and perseverance fortuitous circumstance foul and ominous foul calumny founded in truth fountain of learning fragile and pale fragile form fragment of conversation fragmentary facts fragments and morsels fragrance and beauty fragrant reminiscence frail craft frailties and absurdities frame of mind frank admiration frank and genial frankness of manner frantic ardor fraternal pity fraught with peril freak of fancy freakish humor free and independent freeborn soul freedom of enterprise freezing disdain frenzied haste frenzy of pursuit frequent and poignant frequent digression fresh impetus freshening breeze freshness and fragrance freshness of feeling fretful and timorous fretful discontent friend and benefactor friendly familiarity frightened sense frightful apparition frigid and pompous frigid disdain frigidity of address frisky lightness frivolity of tone frivolous and empty frivolous expedient frolicsome extravagance froth and effervescence frown of meditation frozen into form frozen wonder fructifying thought fruitful indignation fruitless repining frustrated and confounded fuddled and contradictory fugitive thoughts fulfilment of purpose full and sonorous full plenitude fulness of time fulsome praise fumbling and blundering fumbling endeavor fuming and bustling fun and satire function and aim functional disparity fundamental and necessary fundamental principles funereal gloom furious invective furious with indignation furrowed and ragged furrowed cheeks furtive and illusive furtive glance fury and madness fury of resentment fuse into unity fussing and fuming fussy enthusiasms futile and untrustworthy futile babble futility of pride gabbling reminiscences gaiety and grace gaiety of spirit gales of laughter gallant and proud galling and humiliating galling thought galvanic jumpings galvanize into life gaping chasm garb of thought garbled information garish decorations garlands of roses garnered experience gateway of fancy gathering gloom gaudy embellishments gaunt and ghastly gaunt specter gay and genial gay defiance gaze in astonishment gem of truth general acclamation general and universal generative influence generic characteristics generosity and prodigality generous abundance generous and humane genial and refreshing genial tolerance genius and reputation genteel parlance gentle and amiable gentle blandishments gentlemanly personage genuine and infectious genuine cynicism genuineness of sentiment geological enigma geometrical progression germ and root germinal idea gesticulation and emphasis gesture of despair ghastly and inconceivable ghastly loneliness ghostly apparitions giant height giddy pleasure gift of repartee gifted intelligence gifts and graces gigantic and portentous gigantic sagacity girlish sprightliness given to extravagance gladdening influence gladiatorial exercise gladsome glow glamor of sensationalism glamour and fascination glare and pretension glare of scrutiny glaring impropriety glassy smoothness gleam of light gleaming escutcheon gleeful spirit glib and loquacious glib of speech glibly condoned gliding measures glimmer of suspicion glimmering idea glistening dewdrop glitter and glamour glittering epigram gloomy and morose gloomy musing glorious and gorgeous glorious freedom glory of salvation glossed faults glow of enthusiasm glowering countenance glowing and exaggerated glowing anticipations glowing with delight glum and grim gnawing thoughts go in pursuit go into raptures goaded into action godlike independence golden opportunity good-humored gibes goodness and rectitude goodwill and merriment gorgeous splendor gorgeousness and splendor gorgeousness of coloring gossiping and grumbling gossiping opinion govern and overrule governed by precedent governing impulse grace and dignity grace of simplicity graceful demeanor graceful in proportion gracious and generous gracious immunity gradations of outrage gradual and progressive graduated sequence graft and dishonesty grand and sublime grandeur and massiveness grandeur of outline grandiose and oracular grandiose nomenclature graphic and gorgeous graphic portrayal grasp of comprehension grasping credulity gratification and enjoyment gratitude and generosity gratuitous and ungracious gratuitous rudeness grave and stately grave reticence graveyards and solitudes gravity of manner greatness and stability greatness of nature greed and covetousness greed of office greedy grasp gregarious humanity grief and remorse grievously in error grievously mistaken grim and sullen grim swiftness grimace of disappointment grimaces and gesticulations grimness of spirit grinding despotism grinning ghosts grip of attention griping fascination grizzled warrior grope and fumble gross exaggeration grossness and brutality grotesque and monstrous grotesque perversion ground to atoms groundless fear groundwork of melancholy grouped and combined groveling servility growing tension growth and development growth of experience grudging thanks grumbling monotone guesses and fancies guidance and inspiration guide of aspiration guided by instinct guileless zeal gulf of incongruity gullible humanity gurgling brooks gush and hysteria gushing enthusiasm gust of laughter gusto and effect gusty clamor guttural incoherence gymnastic agility habits and humors habitual and intuitive habitual deference hackneyed and tawdry hackneyed statement haggard and pale hairbreadth difference halcyon innocence hallowed stillness halting praise hampered power handsome and amiable handsomely recompensed haphazard and dangerous haphazard ostentation happiness and pleasantness happy intuition harass and pursue harassed to death harassing anxiety harbor of refuge hard and unsparing hardened indifference hardships and indignities harmless mirth harmonious grace harmony and beauty harrowing details harsh and austere harsh jarrings harvest of regrets hasty and unwarranted hasty generalization hateful and loathsome hateful malignity haughtiness and arrogance haughty composure haunted by visions haunting despair hauteur and disdain haven of rest hazard and peril hazardous enterprise haze of distance hazy and indefinite hazy recollection headlong vehemence headstrong and foolish healthful vitality healthy and vigorous heartfelt amity hearth and shrine heartless and hypocritical heartless perfidy heartrending outcry hearty contempt heat and impatience heat of enthusiasm heated discussion heathen hordes heavenly ecstasies heaviness and weariness heavy handicap hecklings and interruptions hectic and pitiful hectic tittering hectoring rant heedless love height of absurdity heightened charm heinous enormity helpless innocence herculean monster hereditary arrogance heretical opinions heretics and schismatics heritage and privilege hermetically sealed heroic fortitude heroism and wisdom hesitating courage hesitation and irresolution heterogeneous mass hidden pitfalls hideous and grotesque hideous phantom high and conscientious high-flying theories highly meritorious hilarious outburst hilarity and mirth hillside mist hint of bitterness hints and suggestions hissing murmur historic edifice history and tradition hither and thither hoarded vengeance hoarse and rumbling hoary antiquity hobbies and eccentricities hold in bondage hollow joys hollowness and unreality holy and prayerful homebred virtues homeless wind homeliness and simplicity homely pathos homespun play homicidal mania homogeneous whole honest admiration honestly and confessedly honeyed eloquence honors and emoluments hooligan wind hooted and mobbed hopeful of success hopelessly befogged hopes and prospects horizon of life horrible swiftness horrid significance horror and ghastliness horror of solitude hortatory moonshine hospitable courtesy hospitality and magnificence hostile partizan hostile to progress hot frenzy hovering presence howling chaos hubbub and confusion hubbub of talk huddled faculties hue of divinity huge and unwieldy huge aspiration hum of pleasure human derelict humane and sympathetic humanitarian impulse humbly propitiating humdrum inconsistencies humid luster humiliating discomfiture humility and devoutness humorless variety humorous urbanity humors and singularities hungry satisfaction hurry and bustle hurrying years hurtful indulgence hush of suspense hushed and still hushed by denial hushed into silence hushed laughter husks and phantoms husky shrillness hybrid emotions hypnotic fascination hypochondriacal terrors hypocrisy and impudence hypocritical pretense hysterical agitation iconoclastic attitude icy smile idealistic type ideals of excellence ideas and achievements identical mode idiomatic propriety idiotic obstinacy idle and presumptuous idle jesting idol of society idolatrous fervor idyllic nonsense ignoble and shabby ignoble domination ignominious retreat ignominy and misfortune ignorance and superstition ill-concealed impatience ill-tempered and unjust illiberal superstition illimitable progression illiterate and unfit illiterate denizens illogical interruption illuminating insight illuminative and suggestive illusion of youth illusive touch illustrative and typical illustrative anecdote illustrious era images and impressions imagination and memory imaginative warmth imbitter and exasperate imbittered controversy imbued with courage imitators and disciples immaterial connection immature and unpromising immature dissent immeasurable scorn immediate abjuration immediate and instantaneous immemorial bulwark immense complacency immensity and intricacy immensity of extent immersed in thought imminent and terrible imminent perplexities immitigable contempt immoderate grief immolation of genius immortal creation immovable and unchangeable immovably silent immutable law impaired prestige impalpable and spiritual impalpable nothingness impartial justice impassable serenity impassioned and energetic impassioned impulse impatient and restless impatient of restraint impatient yearning impeccable felicity impecunious exile impelled by duty impelling movement impending fate impenetrable calmness imperative necessity imperceptible deviation imperfect equipment imperfection and fallibility imperial authority imperil and destroy imperious and ruthless imperious mind imperishable renown impersonal compliment impertinent and personal impertinent drollery imperturbable gravity impervious to suggestion impetuosity of youth impetuous zeal impinging and inexorable impious defiance impish humor implacability of resentment implacable and destructive implacable resentment implicit faith implied concealment implored pardon imponderable air important and formidable important epoch importunate questions imposed and enforced imposing mien impossibilities and absurdities impossible contingency impossible to reconcile impotent desperation impotent of ideas impotent to save impoverished age impracticable obstinacy impregnable fortress impress of individuality impressible and plastic impressionistic stroke imprisoning limitations improbable conjecture impromptu utterance improvement and progress improvising powers imprudent and thoughtless imprudent indebtedness impudent knowingness impulse and indignation impulse of enthusiasm impulsive gratitude imputation of eccentricity inaccessible and audacious inaccessible dignity inactive and supine inadequate and misleading inadequate appreciation inadmissible expression inadvertent remark inalienable right inanimate existence inapplicable and alien inapposite blandness inaptly designated inarticulate and confused inarticulate lispings inaugural discourse inborn and native inborn refinement inbred taste incalculable mischief incapable of veracity incarnate hate incendiary opinions incensed and alarmed incentive to devotion incessant volume inchoate and tentative incidental duty incipient fancy incisive critic incitement to anger inclined to vascillate incoherent and inconclusive incoherent loquacity incommunicable gift incomparable excellence incompatible with reason incompetence and ignorance incomplete and erroneous incompletely apprehended inconceivable absurdity incongruity and absurdity incongruous contrast inconsiderable trifle inconsistent conduct inconsistent with beauty inconsolable cares incontestable inference incontrovertible proof inconvenient and troublesome incorrigible and irrepressible incorrigible merriment incorruptible constancy increasing clamor incredible swiftness incredulous and mortified inculcated by practise incursions into controversy indecent saturnalia indecorously amused indefatigable and irresistible indefatigable diligence indefeasible title indefinable reluctance indefinite and vague indefinite yearning indelible obligation indelicate impetuosity indented outline independence of mind independent and democratic independent research indescribably lugubriou indestructible atoms indeterminable value index of character indifference and brevity indifference to truth indifferent promise indigence and obscurity indigenous growth indignant denunciation indignation and chagrin indirect interrogation indirectly and unconsciously indiscriminate censure indispensable and irreplaceable indispensable requisites indisputable chronicler indissoluble compact indistinct and misty indistinct association individual valor indivisible aspects indolence and indifference indolence of temperament indolent neglect indomitable and dogged indomitable pride indorsed and applauded indubitable signs induced by misrepresentation indulge and cherish indulge in reverie indulgence of vanity indulgent construction industrious and vigilant indwelling delight ineffable disdain ineffaceable incongruity ineffective and bungling ineffectual blandishment inequality of treatment ineradicable coquetry inert and uncertain inestimable honor inevitable and assured inevitable corollary inexcusable laughter inexhaustible abundance inexhaustible and indomitable inexorable authority inexperienced and timid inexplicable reluctance inexpressible benignity inextricable confusion infallible and disdainful infallible judgment infamous pretense infantile simplicity infectious hilarity infelicitous arrangement inference and suggestion inferential method inferior in character infernal machinations infinite and eternal infinite deference infinitesimal gradations infinity of height infirm purpose infirmity of temper inflamed curiosity inflamed with rage inflated optimism inflexible and unchanging inflexible integrity influence and authority influenced by caution influential in society influential voice informed and competent informing feature infuriated demagogues infusion of hatred ingenious and eloquent ingenious trick ingenuity in planning inglorious victory ingrained love ingratiating exterior ingratitude and cruelty inharmonious and irregular inharmonious prelude inherent dignity inheritance of honor inherited anxieties inimitable felicity iniquitous fortune initiatory period injudicious yielding injured conceit injustice and inhumanity inky blackness inmost recesses innate forbearance inner restlessness innocence and fidelity innocent amenities innocuous desuetude innovating spirit innuendo and suggestion inoffensive copiousness inopportune and futile inopportune condition inordinate ambition inquisitional rack inquisitive observer insanely and blindly insatiable vanity inscrutable and perplexing inscrutable austerity insecure truce insecurity and precariousness insensate barbarism insensibility of danger insensibly and graciously insensibly flattered inseparably associated insidious tendency insight into truth insignificant and transitory insignificant blot insincere and worthless insincere profession insinuatingly pursued insipid and silly insipid tameness insistent and incongruous insistent babel insolence and absurdity insolence of office insolent placidity insoluble riddles inspiration of genius inspired by love inspired with patriotism inspiring achievement inspiring and animating inspiriting spectacle instability of purpose instance in point instant and momentous instant readiness instantaneous cessations instinctive and rational instinctive disapproval instrument of expression insufferably dull insufficient appeal insular strength insulted and thwarted insulting invectives insuperable difficulty insurmountable obstacles intangible and indefinable intangible something integral and indestructible integral element integrity and honor integrity of mind intellectual integrity intelligence and insight intelligent adaptation intemperate scorn intense and overpowering intense perplexity intensity of faith intensive cultivation intent to deceive intentional garbling intentness and interest interchange of ideas interesting and engrossing interior spirit interlocking directorate intermediate link interminable question intermingled gloom intermittent threats internal dissension interpolated speech interpretative criticism interval of leisure interwoven thread intimate and familiar intimately allied intolerable to society intolerably tedious intolerant and bumptious intoxicated with joy intoxicating hum intoxication of vanity intractable and untameable intractable temper intrenched privilege intrepid dexterity intrepidity of youth intricate and endless intricate interlacings intriguing braggart intrinsic fecundity intrusive and unmannerly intrusive brightness intuition of immortality intuitive and axiomatic intuitive perception inured to fatigue invaluable composition invariable kindness invasion and aggression invasion of thought invective and innuendo inveighing incessantly inveigled into dispute inventive jealousy investigation and research inveterate antipathy invidious and painful invidious mention invigorating discipline invincible optimism inviolable confidence inviolate and unscathed invisible and silent invocation to sleep involuntary and automatic involuntary yearnings involuted sentences involved in obscurity involved pomposity invulnerable solemnity inward disinclination irascible doggedness irate remonstrance iridescent sheen irksome and distasteful irksome task iron resolution ironic iciness irony of life irradiating spirit irrational and excessive irrational awe irreclaimable dead irreconcilable parting irrecoverably lost irrefragable laws irrefutable argument irregular and intermittent irregular constellations irrelevant suggestion irreligious and immoral irremediable and eternal irremediable sorrow irreparable injury irrepressible and insistent irrepressible excitement irreproachable exterior irresistible will irresponsible gossip irretrievable blunder irreverence and ingratitude irreverent audacity irreversible facts irrevocable verdict irritable and churlish irritable impatience isolated and detached isolated splendor jabber and chatter jaded sensibility jagged and multifarious jagged outline jangle of sounds jargon and absurdity jargon of philosophy jarring discord jaundiced and jealous jaundiced opinion jaunty confidence jealous animosity jeer and scoff jeopardy and instability jesting allusion jests and sarcasms jingling alliteration jocular and vivacious jocular mirth jocund host jostle and stumble jostling confusion jovial fancy joy and felicity joyful alacrity joyous stagnation jubilant and boastful jubilant antagonist judgment and discretion judicial impartiality judicious and acute judicious candor juggled and manipulated jumble and confuse jumble of facts juncture and circumstance jurisdiction and authority just rebuke justice and virtue justness of decision juvenile and budding juvenile attempt kaleidoscopic pictures keen and pertinacious keen insight keenness of intellect kept in abeyance kernel of truth key of knowledge keynote of success kind and forbearing kindle and intensify kindle into action kindle with enthusiasm kindled enthusiasm kindly innocence kindred and analogous kindred sympathies king of finance kingly and autocratic kingly generosity kinship of humanity knavish and tyrannical knavish conduct knightly achievement knowledge and conviction known and recognized known disingenuousness labor and drudgery labored levity labyrinthian windings lacerated feelings lachrymose monotony lack of restraint lackadaisical manner laconic force lagging footsteps lame and impotent lamentable and depressing lamentable helplessness landmarks in memory languid and indifferent languid impertinence languish in obscurity languor of nature lapse into pedantry lapse of time large and opulent large receptivity lash into silence lashing scorn lassitude and languor latent and lifeless latent conviction latitude and scope laudable and deserving laudable zeal laugh to scorn laugh with glee laughable absurdity laughable and grotesque launch into disapproval lavish and wasteful lavish liberality lawless freedom lawlessness and violence laws of decorum laxity and forbearance laxity of mind laziness and profligacy lazy acquiescence lead into captivity leaden steps leafage and fruitage leap into currency leaping ambition learned by rote learned gravity learning and austerity leering smile left to conjecture legacy of thought legal perspicacity legendary associations legends and traditions legislative enactment legitimate and logical legitimate inference leisure and tranquillity leisurely composure lengthening shadows lengthy and diffuse lenient and sympathetic leonine powers lethargic temperament lethargy and sloth lettered coxcomb levity and gaiety liberal and ample liberal contemplations liberty and freedom liberty of conscience license and laxity lie in wait lifeless imbecility lifelong adherence light of experience lightless eyes lightly disregard lightning glare likely and plausible limit of endurance limited and abbreviated limited in scope limpid twilight linger in expectation lingering tenderness linguistic attainments link of sequence liquid eloquence lisping utterance listen in amazement listening reverence listless and inert listless apathy literal and exact literal exactness literary and artistic literary research lithe and sinewy lithe contortions little idiosyncrasies lively and poignant lively susceptibility livid lightning living manifestation loathsome and abject loathsome oppression local busybody loftiest aspirations loftiness of spirit lofty and sonorous logical and consistent logical precision lone magnificence longing fancy look of dominance looming probabilities loophole of escape loquacious assurances loquacity and exuberance lordly abhorrence loss and deterioration lost in awe lost to remembrance loud and passionate loud vociferation lounging gait loutish rudeness love of approbation loving and reverential lovingly quizzical low and groveling lower in estimation lowering aspects lowest degradation loyal adhesion loyal and devoted lucid treatment lucidity and vividness lucky and propitious lucrative and advantageous lucrative profession ludicrous and detestable ludicrous incongruity lugubrious and unfortunate lugubrious question lukewarm and indifferent lukewarm repentance lull and silence lulled into indifference lumbering gaiety luminous and keen luminous interpretation lure and captivate lurid and fiery lurid picturesqueness lurking suspicion luscious and lasting lust of conquest luster and resplendence lustihood of youth lustrous surface lusty and big-sounding luxuriance of expression luxuriant in fancy luxuriant richness luxury and pomp lying equivocations maddening monotony madness and folly magic fascination magical and secret magisterial emphasis magnanimity of mind magnanimous concessions magnetic fascination magnificent and luxurious magnificent florescence magniloquent diction maidenly timidity main ramifications majestic and imposing majestic dignity majesty of despair maladjusted marriages malevolent ingenuity malice and revenge malicious aspersions malign influence malignity and spitefulness malodorous gentility man of iron manageable proportions mangled arguments manifest reluctance manifold and complex manifold functions manly and powerful manly reticence manner and conduct mantle of verdure mantling smile manual dexterity manufactured melancholy marked by acuteness marked individuality marketable commodity marshaled hosts martial footsteps martyrdom of ambition marvel of competency marvelous lucidity marvels and mysteries masculine power mask of flippancy masked expression mass of mediocrity massive and compact massive strength master achievement master of phrasing masterly and convincing matchless charm material misconception materialistic and sordid maternal and filial maternal solicitude mathematical precision matrimonial alliance matured reflection maudlin and grotesque maudlin sentimentalism mawkish insipidity maxims and morals maximum intensity maze of words meager and bare meager evidence mean and debasing mean trickeries meaning and significance meaningless confusion means and materials measure of absurdity measured by years measured cadence mechanical and monotonous mechanical handicraft meddling and muddling meditative and sympathetic meditatively silent meek ambition meek and manageable meet with rebuke melancholy musing mellifluous eloquence mellow refinement melodious platitudes melodramatic resource melody and softness melt into space melting mood memorable and glorious memorable experience menace and superciliousness menacing attitude mendacious tongue mendicant pilgrim mental metamorphosis mercenary view merchantable literature merciful and chivalrous merciful insensibility merciless and unpitying merciless censor mercurial temperament mere generalization meretricious allurements merge into character meridian splendor merit and virtue merited ridicule merry jest metallic immobility metaphysical obscurity meteoric splendors methodical regularity metrical exactness microscopic minuteness mighty and majestic mighty animosity mild and virtuous mild rejoinder militant struggles military autocracy millennial reign mimic gestures minatory shadow mince and temporize mincing precision minds and memories mingled decorousness mingled with curiosity miniature imitations minister of vengeance minor impulses minute consideration minuteness and fidelity minuteness of description miracle of miracles miraculous profusion mirroring lake mirth and joviality mirthful glance mischievous effusion misdemeanors and improprieties miserable musings misery and degradation misleading notion misrepresented and reviled misshapen oddities misspent strength mistaken assumption mistrustful superiority mists of criticism misty and indefinite misty depression mitigating circumstances mobile and expressive mobile countenance mock seriousness mockery and imposture moderate and cautious modes and methods modest and retiring modest cheerfulness modesty of reserve modified sentiment molding and upbuilding moldy doctrines mollifying conditions moment of lassitude momentary and languid momentary discomfiture momentous and appalling momentous pause monarchial institutions monastic austerity monopoly and injustice monotonous sameness monotony and indecorum monster of ingratitude monstrosities of character monstrous absurdity monstrous and insupportable monstrous in dulness monumental structure mood of tranquillity moody and brooding moody silence moonlight witchery moral and religious moral obliquity morbid and irritable morbid imagination mordant wit moribund mediocrities mortal affront mortified coldness motionless and commanding motives and aims motley appearance mountainous inequalities mournful magnificence mouthing amplitude move with alacrity mud and mire muddle of motives muddled and incoherent muddled opinion muddy inefficiency muffled detonations mullioned windows multifarious activity multiform truth multiple needs multitude of details multitudinous details mummery of words mundane importance mural decorations murderous parody murky recesses murmur of satisfaction murmurs and reproaches muscularity and morality musical diapason mutable and fleeting mutations of time mute and insensate mute insensibility mutilated and disfigured mutinous thoughts muttered warning muttering and murmuring mutual and friendly mutual animosity myriad lights myriads of stars mysteries of taste mysterious and incomprehensible mysterious in origin mysterious potency mystic and wonderful mystic meaning mythical kingdom nagging and squabbling naive manner naked eye nameless and obscure nameless fear narcotic effect narrow and timorous narrowed by custom narrowing axioms narrowness of range nasal drone nascent intercourse national shortcomings native incompetence natural and spontaneous natural sluggishness nauseous and disgusting nauseous dose nautical venture neat refutation neatness and propriety nebulae of romance nebulous uncertainty necessarily and essentially necessary adjuncts necromantic power nectar of enjoyment needless depression needs and demands nefarious and malevolent nefarious scheme negations and contradictions negative approbation neglect and evade neglect of duty negligible quantity negotiate and bargain neighboring mists nerve and fiber nerveless hand nervous solicitude nettled opponent neutral and colorless neutral eye new perplexities nice discrimination niceties of difference nicety and precision niggardly allowance nightingale of affection nightmare fantasy nimble and airy nimble faculty nobility of purpose noble and powerful noble condescension noble in amplitude nocturnal scene nodding and blinking nodding approval noiseless reverie noisy and scurrilous noisy platitudes nomadic life nominal allegiance non-committal way nonchalant manner nondescript garb nonsense and absurdity nonsense rhymes nooks and corners noonday splendor normal characteristics notable and conspicuous notable circumstance note of triumph noted and distinguished noteworthy and intelligible noteworthy friendship noticeably begrimed notoriety and prominence notoriously profligate nourish and foster novel signification novelty and freshness novice and ignoramus nucleus and beginning nugatory and ineffectual nugatory cause nullify and destroy numbed stillness number and variety numberless defeats numerical majority numerous and important nursed in luxury oaths and revilings obduracy of mind obdurate and impenitent obdurate courage obedience to conscience obedient and dutious obedient compliance obeisance and submission object of contempt objectionable and inexpedient objectionably apologetic obligation and dependence obligation of loyalty obligatory force obligingly expressed oblique tribute obliquity and hypocrisy obliquity of vision oblivious and insensible oblivious to criticism obloquy and detraction obnoxious and odious obscure and enigmatical obscure intimation obscurity of twilight obsequies and panegyrics obsequious and conciliating obsequious homage observant eye observations and reflections obsolete phraseology obstacles and disasters obstinate and stupid obstinate defiance obstreperous and noisy obstreperous summons obtrusive and vulgar obtrusive neatness obtuse and imbecile obvious and palpable obvious boredom occasional and contingent occasional flights occasioned by irritation occult and hidden occult sympathy occupations and habits ocean depth ocean of eloquence odd and dismal odd makeshifts odious and oppressive odious tyranny odorous spring offensive and aggressive offensive hostility offensive to modesty official and authoritative official asperity oily and servile old and decrepit olfactory sense olive grayness ominous and untrustworthy ominous rumors omission of fact omnipotent decree omniscient affirmation omnivorous and sordid oncoming horde oneness and unity onerous and perplexing onerous cares onflaming volume onrush of life onsets of temptation opalescent sea opaque mass open and inviting open to reason openly disseminated openness of mind opinionated truculence opinions and hypotheses opportunely contrived opportunism and inconsistency opposed to innovation opposite and discordant oppressed and sullen oppressed by destiny oppressed with hardship oppressive emptiness opprobrious epithet optimistic and reassuring opulence and magnitude opulence of detail oracular and occult oracular utterance oratorical display order and uniformity ordinary delinquencies organic and rational organic assimilation organization and system organized in thought orgy of lying oriental spicery origin and discovery original and attractive originally promulgated ornaments of eloquence ornate and variegated oscillatory movement ostensible and explicit ostensible occupation ostentatious display ostentatiousness and gaiety outbreak of hostilities outburst of tears outflow of sympathy outlandish fashion outlines and appearances outposts of morality outrageous and scandalous outrageously vehement outspoken encouragement outstanding feature outstretching sympathies outward pomp outworn creed overbearing style overburdened and confused overcome and vanquish overcome with shyness overestimated importance overflow of vitality overflowing sympathy overflowing with love overhanging darkness overhung with gloom overmastering potency overpowering argument overshadowing dread overstep and contravene overstrained enthusiasm overt act overt and unmistakable overvaulting clouds overwearied and outworn overweening sense overwhelming solicitude overworked and fagged overworked drudge pacific disposition page of desolation pageant of life painful obstinacy pains and penalties painstaking and cumbersome painstaking reticence palatable advice pale and anxious pallidly illumined palpable and plain palpable originality palpitating emotion paltry and inglorious paltry hypocrisies pampered and petted pampered darling pander to prejudice pang of regret panic fear panting eagerness parabolic obscureness parade and display parade of erudition paradoxical talker paralyzing sentimentalism paramount authority parasitical magnificence parched and dry parched by disuse parental permission paroxysmal outburst partial and provisional particularly and individually particularly notable parties and sects partizan prejudice pass into oblivion passing panorama passion and prejudice passion of patriotism passionate insistence passive and indifferent passive obedience passivity of mind pastimes and diversions patchwork manner patent and pertinent patent example paternal tenderness pathetic helplessness pathos and terror patience and perseverance patient endurance patriarchal visage patriotic enthusiasm patriotism and reverence pattern and exemplar pattern of virtue peacefully propagated peaks and pinnacles peals of laughter peculiar piquancy pecuniary privation pedagogue and pedant pedantic ineptitude pedantries and affectations pedestrian vigor pedigree and genealogy peerless raconteur peevish ingratitude peevishness and spleen pellucid and crystal pending determination pendulum of opinion penetrating and insidious penetrating warmth penitential cries penned and planned penniless wanderer pensive reflections pensiveness of feeling peppery and impetuous perceptible difference perception and recognition peremptorily and irrevocably peremptory punishment perennial charm perfect embodiment performed with regularity perfunctory inquiries perilous and shifting perilous expedient perils of fortune period of lassitude permanent and unchangeable permanent significance permeate and purify pernicious and malign pernicious doctrine perpetual oscillation perplexing problem perplexity and confusion persecuting zeal persistent adherence persistent and reiterated personal and specific personal predilection perspicuous and flowing persuaded by appeal persuasive eloquence pert prig pertaining to fashion pertinacious solemnity pertinent question perturbation of mind perturbed and restless perusing earnestness pervaded with grandeur pervading tendencies perverse quaintness perversity of chance perverted and prejudicial pessimistic and disenchanted pessimistic skepticism pestiferous career pestilence and famine pests of society pet aversion petrifaction of egoism petrified smile petted and indulged petticoat diplomacy pettifogging business pettiness and prudence petty pedantries petulance and acrimony petulant in expression phantom of delight phantom show pharisaical and bitter phase of belief philanthropic zeal philosophical acuteness phlegmatic temperament phosphorescent shimmer photographic exactitude physical convulsion physiognomy of nature pictorial and dramatic pictorial embellishments picturesque and illustrative picturesque details piece of pedantry piercing clearness pilgrim and crusader pillage and demolish pinchbeck dignity pining melancholy pinions of eloquence pinnacle of favor pioneering spirit pious platitudes piquant allusions piquant and palatable pit of oblivion pith and brevity pitiable frenzy pitiful and destitute pitiless precision pivotal point place and power placid stupidity plagued and persecuted plainly expedient plainness and severity plainness of speech plainspoken rebuke plaintive and mournful plaintive cadence plans and projects plastic and ductile plastic mind plausibility and humbug plausible commonplaces play of fancy playful wit plea of urgency plead in vain pleasant and pungent pleasing in outline pleasing reveries pleasurable and wholesome pleasurable excitement plenary argument plenitude of power plentiful harvest pliant and submissive plighted word plot and verisimilitude plunder and sacrilege plunge into despair plunged in darkness poetical and pastoral poignant clearness point of view pointless and ineffective pointless tale poise of mind poisonous counsels policy of severity polished ease polite and elegant polite indifference political and sociological political malcontent polluting taints pomp and pageantry pompous platitudes ponderous and unwieldy ponderous research pontifical manner poor and barren popular resentment populous fertility portent of danger portentous gulf portray by words positive in judgment positively deteriorating possession and dominion posthumous glory potent and prevailing potential energy pour into print power and luxury power of imagination powerful stimulant practical helpfulness practical in application praise and commend precarious path precautionary measure precedence and usage precipice of stupefaction precipitous flight precise purpose precision and efficiency precision of phrase precocious wisdom preconceived view predatory writers predestined spinster predominant habit preference and prejudice pregnant and suggestive pregnant hint prejudice and predilection preliminary assumption premature ripening premonitory symptoms preoccupied attention Preposition "with" prepossessing appearance preposterous assertion prerogative of age prescient reflection prescribed by custom prescribed conditions presence and address presence of mind present and tangible presiding genius pressing necessity pressure of expediency prestige and authority presumption of doubt presumptuous and futile pretended surprise pretentious and inept pretentious dignity preternatural sagacity pretty and enchanting pretty plaintiveness prevailing misconception prevented by chance prey of fancy pride and indignation pride in success pride of life priestly austerity primal energy primary and essential prime factor primeval silence primordial conditions princely courtesy priority and predominance prismatic blush pristine dignity private contempt privileged caste prized possession probity and candor problematic age proceed with alertness process of effacement prodigal and careless prodigally lavished prodigious variety productive discipline profane denunciation professedly imitated professional garrulity proffered service profile and outline profitable adventure profligate expenditure profound and philosophical profound conviction profundity of thought profuse and tearful profuse generosity profusion of argument progress of events projected visit prolegomenous babbler prolific outpouring prolix and tedious prolix narrative prolonged happiness prominence and importance promiscuous multitude promise and performance promising scions prompt courage prompted by coquetry promptings of reason promptitude and dispatch prone to melancholy proneness and readiness pronounced and diversified proof and illustration propagandist literature propelling impulse propensity and desire proper punctilio prophetic vision propitious moment proportion and consistency proportionately vigilant propose to undertake proprietary sense propriety and delicacy propriety of action prosaic excellence prospective success prosperity revival prostrate servility prostration and loss protection and safety protest in vain protesting and repelling protoplasmic ancestors protracted agony protracted and fruitless proud destiny proverbial situation provincial prejudice provincialism and vulgarity provocative of scorn provoke to laughter provoked hostility prudent and sagacious prudential wisdom prurient desire prying criticism psychic processes public derision puerile and sickly puerile fickleness puff of applause puffy and dissipated pugnacious defiance puissant and vigorous pulsating life pulse of life punctilious and severe punctilious care pungent epigram punish with severity puny dimensions purblind brutality pure coincidence purgatorial fires purged by sorrow puritanical primness purity and simplicity purity of diction purplish shadows purpose and intention purposed attempt purposeful drama pursued in leisure pursuing fancies pursuit of knowledge pusillanimous and petty pusillanimous desertion put to confusion puzzled and affected puzzledom of life pyrotechnic outburst quackery and incompetence quagmire of distrust quailing culprit quaint peculiarities quaintness and oddity qualifying service qualities and gifts qualities of leadership qualm of conscience quarrel and wrangle quavering voice queer and affected queer tolerance quenchless despair querulous and plaintive querulous disposition question of honor questionable data questioning gaze quibble and fabricate quibbling speech quick in suggestion quick sensibility quicken into life quicken with pride quickness and agility quickness of apprehension quiescent melancholy quiet and unobtrusive quiet cynicism quintessential and nuclear quips and cranks quirks and graces quiver with anxiety quivering and fearful quivering excitement quivering of pain quixotic impulse quizzical and whimsical quizzical expression quondam foe racial prejudice racked and oppressed racked by suffering racy and incisive racy humor radiance of morning radiant happiness radiant with victory radical distinction rage and apprehension raging billows rambling looseness rampant wickedness rancorous animosities random preconceptions range of experience rank and learning rank luxuriance rant and gush ranting optimism rapacious speculation rapacity and villainy rapid transitions rapidity and precision rapt and silent rapture and enthusiasm rapturous adoration rare and exquisite rare endowment rarefied humor rashly overrated rashness and heedlessness rashness of intention rational discourse ravages of time ravenous eagerness ravishing spectacle raw composition ray of hope reaches of achievement reactionary movement ready and spontaneous ready in resource ready sympathy real and positive realistic and effective realistic portrayal realities of life realm of peace reanimating ideas reasonable and practical reasonably probable rebellion and disloyalty rebellious thought rebound of fascination rebuffs and anxieties receptive and responsive reciprocal influence reckless lavishness recognized and honored recognized authority recoil and reaction recoiling in terror reconciliation and peace recondite and abstruse recondite description reconnoiter and explore reconstructive era recourse to falsehood recovered composure recreation and amusement rectitude and delicacy rectitude of soul recumbent figure recurring doubt reddening dawn redeeming and transforming redoubled activity redress of grievances reduced to impotence redundance of words refined and dignified refinement of style refining influence reflective habits refractory temper refreshing and invigorating refreshing novelty refuted by reason regal countenance regard and esteem regard with loathing regret and remorse regretful melancholy regular and symmetrical regular recurrence reins of life rejection and scorn relapse into savagery relate with zest related to eternity relatively mild relaxed discipline relentless justice reliable and trustworthy relief and redress religious scruples relish of beauty reluctant tolerance remarkable and interesting remarkable sagacity remedial measure remorse of guilt remorseful and sullen remorseless logic remote and distant remote epoch remote in character rend and devastate rendered into music renowned achievement repeat to satiety repeated falsification repel with indignation repelled by censure repellent and ungracious repelling vices repentant sense repetition and reiteration reprehensible action repress and silence repressed ardor reproachful misgiving repugnance and aversion repugnant to justice repulsive and loathsome repulsive spectacle reputed disposition requisite expertness requisite to success resentful flame resentment and indignation reserve and coyness residue of truth resilient spirit resistless and implacable resistless might resolute daring resoluteness of conviction resolution and effort resolve into nothingness resonant and tuneful resonant gaiety resort to violence resounding blare resource of expression resourceful and unscrupulous resourceful wickedness respected and obeyed respectful condescension resplendent brightness responsibilities and burdens responsive throb restive and bored restless and impatient restless inquisitiveness restorative influence restrained by violence restraint of speech restricted meaning resultant limitation retaliating blows retaliation and revenge retarding influence reticence and repose retreat into silence retreating footsteps revel in danger revel of imagination revengeful scowl revered and cherished reverent enthusiasm reverses and disasters revised and corrected revolting cynicism revolution and sedition revolutionary tradition revulsion of feeling rhapsodical eulogy rhapsodies and panegyrics rhetorical amplification rhythmical movements rich in variety richly emblazoned richness and fertility richness of outline riddle of existence ridicule and censure ridicule of ignorance right and praiseworthy righteous indignation rightful distinction rigid and inexpressive rigid propriety rigorous reservation riot of words riotous clamor ripe reflection ripened into love ripeness and plenitude ripeness of wisdom rising by industry rising misgivings rivals and antagonists riveted attention roar and ring roars of exultation robe of humility robust and rugged robust sense robustness of mind rococo and affected rollicking mirth romantic and pathetic romantic solitudes root of individuality rooted habits rooted in prejudice roseate tints rough and barren rough brutality round of platitudes roundabout and complicated roundabout approach roused and stimulated rousing chorus royal exultations rubicund tinge rude and fiery rude awakening rudimentary effort rueful conclusion ruffled feelings rugged and inaccessible rugged austerity ruling motive rumbling hoarseness ruminating mood rumors and impressions run to seed rural imagery rush into print rush of agony rushing and gurgling rust and disuse rust of neglect rustic simplicity rustling forest ruthless commercialism ruts of conventionality sacerdotal preeminence sacred tenderness sacrilegious violence sacrosanct fetish sad and melancholy saddle with responsibility sadly disconcerted sadness of soul sagacious mind sagacity and virtue sage reflections saintly serenity salient feature salutary amusement sanctimonious hypocrite sanctioned by experience sane and simple sane observer sanguinary measures sanguine expectations sanguine of success sanity of judgment sarcastic and cruel sarcastic incredulity sardonic taciturnity satirical critic satisfying equipoise savage satirist savoring of quackery sayings and quibbles scalding jests scandalous falsehood scant and incidental scant recognition scantiness of resources scarves of smoke scathing satire scattered and desultory scattered distractions scenes and associations scholarly attainments scholastic and erudite school of adversity schooled in self-restraint scientific and exact scientific curiosity scintillating and brilliant scintillating wit scoffing and unbelief scoffing defiance scope and significance scorched and shriveled scorching criticism scorn and loathing scornful negligence scrap of knowledge scream with terror scriptural exegesis scrubby foreland scruple of conscience scrupulous and anxious scrupulous fidelity scrupulous in conduct scrutinize with care scrutiny and investigation sculptured sphinx scurrilous blustering searching and irresistible searching eye searchlight of truth seared and scorched secluded byways secondary and subsidiary secret dismay secretive and furtive sectarian sternness secure anchorage sedate and serious sedentary occupation seditious speaking seductive whisperings sedulously fostered seek to overawe seeming artlessness seething hate seething with sedition selective instinct self-conscious activity self-deprecating irony selfish and overbearing selfish vindictiveness selfsame strain semblance of composure senile sensualist sensation of pity sensational and trivial sense of urgency senseless and unreasoning senseless gibberish sensibilities and emotions sensibly abated sensitive and capricious sensitively courteous sensuous music sententious and tiresome sententious wisdom sentiment and passion sentiment of disapprobation sentimental twaddle sepulchral quiet sequence of events sequestered nook seraphic promiscuousness serene and quiet serene triumph serenity of mind serious and studious serious resentment serpentine curves serve to embitter servile obedience sesquipedalian words set in motion settled dislike severe and saturnine severe censure severity of style shabbiness and vulgarity shabby imitation shackles of civilization shade of doubt shadow of truth shadowy abstraction shadowy and confused shady retirements shallow sophistry shallowness of thought sham enthusiasm shambling gait shame and mortification shamed demeanor shameless injustice shams and hypocrisies shaped and sculptured shaped by tradition shapeless conformations shaping impulses sharp and vigorous sharp rebuke shattered reason sheepish look sheer boredom shelter and safeguard sheltering hypocrisy shifting panorama shifts and compromises shimmering gaiety shining virtues shivering and chattering shivering soul shock of apprehension shocked and astonished shocked into attention shocking rudeness shoreless sea short and precarious shortening days shouts of approval shower of abuse shreds and tatters shrewd and diligent shrewd suspicion shrewish look shriek of wrath shrill and piercing shrill dissonance shrinking and nervous shrunken wisp shuddering reluctance shuffling preliminaries shuttle of life shy and subdued shy obeisance sibilant oath sick with dread sickening jealousy sidelong glance sigh of wind significant and sinister significant symbol signs and tokens silence and obscurity silent agony silken filaments silly escapades silvery sea similar amplitude similarities and resemblances simple and straightforward simple rectitude simpletons and nincompoops simulated rapture simultaneous acclamation sincere hospitality sincerity and frankness sinewy and active singleness of purpose singular sensitiveness sinister forebodings sink into insignificance sinuous movements skeptical contempt skill and coolness skilled in controversy skillfully maintained skulk and shirk skulking look slackened tension slave of malice slavish imitation sledge-hammer blows sleek and languid sleepless soul sleepy enchantment slender resource slight acceleration slight and precarious slipshod and untidy slothfulness and perversity slough of ignorance slovenly deportment slow and sluggish slow stupefaction sluggish resolution slumber of death slumbering and unsuspected slumbering stream smacking breeze small and hampered small aptitude smile of raillery smiling repose smirched and tarnished smirking commonplace smitten into ice smoldering resentment smoothness and artifice smothered sob smug hypocrisy snappish impertinence sneering and sentimental sneering jibes snowy whiteness snubbed into quiescence snug retreat soaring ambition sob with anguish sobbing wail sober melancholy soberly and truthfully social banalities sociological bearing soft allurement softness and effeminacy solace of adversity solemn and dramatic solemn emptiness solid knowledge solidifying substance solitary and idle solitary grandeur solitude and depression somber relations somewhat scandalized somnolent state sonorous and musical sonorous simplicity sons and scions sophistical argument soporific and sodden soporific emanations sordid and stupid sordid selfishness sorely beset sorrow and lamentation sorrowful resignation soul of generosity soulless and mindless soulless mechanism sound in theory sounding verbiage source of renown soured by misfortune sourly ascetic sovereign and independent sovereign panacea spacious and lofty spacious tracklessness spark of perception sparkling and spontaneous sparkling splendor spasmodic and hysterical specialized skill species of despotism specific characteristics specious artifice spectral fears speculative rubbish speechless surprise speedy and inevitable speedy extinction spell of emotion spendthrift prodigality sphere of influence spice of caricature spicy and pungent spirited vindication spiritual and invisible spiritual dazzlement spiteful and sordid splash and dash splendid irony splendor and glory splendor of imagination splenetic imagination spontaneity and intensity spontaneous challenge sporadic exception sportive and playful sportive gaiety spotless honor sprightly and vigorous sprightly talk spur and impulse spur of necessity spur to action spurious and misleading spurious enthusiasm squalid and dismal squalid distress squandered talent squeamish taste squirm with delight staggering surprise stainless womanhood stale sciolism stalwart defiance stammer in confusion stammered apology starched sterility stare and gasp starlit eminence start of uneasiness startling eccentricity starving proletariat stateliness of movement stately and ponderous stately stride statesmanlike person statesmanship and character statistical knowledge statuesque immobility staunch and influential staunch manhood stay and solace steadfast and resolute steadfast obedience steadily and patiently stealthy and hostile stentorian voice stereotyped commonness sterile hatred sterling sense stern and unbending stern defiance stiff and cumbersome stiff conceit stifled convulsions stifling and venomous still and translucent still solitudes stilted bombast stimulating and wholesome stimulating impression stimulus to ambition sting of satire stinging reproach stings and stimulants stinted endowment stipulated reward stir and tumult stirred to remonstrance stock pleasantries stoic callousness stolid and soulless stolid obstinacy stolidity of sensation stony stare storehouse of facts storied traditions storm of criticism stormy passion stout assertion straggling association straightforward logic straightway vanished strain and struggle strained interpretation straitened circumstance strange and incomprehensible strange wistfulness stratagems and plots stream of humanity strenuous and energetic strenuous insistence stress of life stricken in years stricken into silence strictly and absolutely strides in civilization strife and contention striking and picturesque striking diversity striking in character string of episodes stringent statement stroke of fate strong and youthful strong aversion structure and organization struggles and misgivings stubborn reality studied and artificial studious reserve stultified mind stung by derision stunned and insensible stunning crash stunted in growth stupendous magnitude stupid bewilderment stupor and despair sturdy and manly sturdy genuineness style and temperament suave and winning subaltern attitude subconscious conviction subduing influence subject to scrutiny sublime and aspiring sublime anticipations submission and patience submissive behavior subordinate and dependent subordinate pursuit subsidiary advantage substance and basis substantial agreement substratum of belief subterranean sunlessness subtle and elusive subtle sophistry subtlety of intellect subversive accident successfully dispelled succession of events successive undulations succinct phrase succumb to fascination sudden perturbation suddenness and vehemence suffering and desperation suffuse with spirituality suffused and transfigured suggestion of fancy suggestions and stimulations sullen and fierce sullen submission sum of happiness summarize and epitomize summary vengeance summit of misery summoned into being sumptuous and aromatic sumptuously decorated sunshine and smiles sunshine of life superabundant energy superannuated coquette superb and showy superb command supercilious and obstinate supercilious discontent superficial and obvious superficial surliness superfluous and impertinent superfluous precaution superhuman vigor superior skill superior to circumstances superlative cleverness supernatural incident supine resignation supplanted by others suppliant posture supported by evidence suppressed and restrained suppressed excitement supremacy of good supreme exaltation surface of events surfeit of verbiage surge of pathos surging multitude surly tone surmises and suggestions surpassing loveliness surprise and wonder surprising intimacy surreptitious means susceptibility and vulnerability susceptible to argument suspense and excitement suspense of judgment suspicion and innuendo suspicion of flattery sustained and measured sustained vigor swaggering bully swampy flatness swarming population sweep of landscape sweeping assertion sweet and wholesome sweet peaceableness swelled and bloated swelling magnitude swift and stealthy swift transition swinging cadence swollen into torrents swoop and range symbol of admiration symbolism and imagery symmetrical brow sympathetic and consoling sympathetic insight syncopated tune synthetic judgment system of aspersion systematic interaction tacit assumption taciturn and laconic taciturn magnanimity tactful and conciliatory tactical niceties taint of megalomania tainted with fraud take into account talkative and effusive tame and insipid tameless energy tangible and sufficient tangible realities tangled and shapeless tangled network tardiness of speech tardy and belated tardy recognition tarnished reputation tart temper tartness and contradiction task of conciliation taste and elegance tasteful gratification tasteless insipidity tattered mendicant tattle and babble taunt and reproach taunting accusation tawdry and penurious tawdry pretentiousness tearful sensibilities tearing gallop tears and lamentations teasing persistency technical precision tedious and trivial tedious formality teeming population teeming with life temerarious assertion temperament and taste temperamental complacency temperately and judiciously tempered by charity tempered pathos tempest and violence tempest of passion tempestuous breeze temporal and evanescent temporary expedient temptation to doubt tenacious memory tenacity and coherence tenacity of execution tend to frustrate tender and emotional tender in sentiment tender solicitude tenderness of sentiment tense and straining tense attention tense with expectancy tentative and experimental tentative moment tepid conviction term of reproach termagant wife terrible and satanical terrible sublimity terrifying imprecations terse realism testamentary document testiness and crabbedness thankfulness and acknowledgment thankless task thawing laughter theological complexities theories and speculations thirsting ear thorny pathway thorough and effective thorough uprightness thoughtful silence thoughtless whim threadbare sentiment threatened wrath threatening and formidable threshold of consciousness thrift of time thriftless and unenterprising thrill of delight thrill with excitement thrilling and vitalizing thrilling eloquence throb of compunction throb with vitality throbbing pride throneless monarch throng of sensations thronging images thrown into disorder thundering rage thwarted by fortune thwarted impulse tide of humanitarianism tideless depth ties and associations tigerish stealth tightened ominously time and opportunity timid acquiescence timid and vacillating timid of innovation tincture of depreciation tinge of mockery tinged with romance tingling expectation tinkling cymbal tip-toe curiosity tipsy jocularity tireless egotism tiresome and laborious tiresome braggadocio tissue of misrepresentations titanic force toilsome pleasure tolerably comprehensive tolerant and kindly tolerant indifference tolerant of folly tone and treatment tone of severity top of ambition topics and instances tormented and tantalized tormented by jealousy tormenting thought torn asunder torpid faculties torrent of fervor tortuous and twisted tortuous labyrinth tortured by doubt tortured innocence totality of effect totally engrossed tottering and hopeless touch of severity touched and thrilled touched with feeling touching pathos touchstone of genius tousled head towering pride trace of bitterness traceable consanguinity trackless forest tractable and gracious tradition of mankind traditional type traditions and practises tragic intensity trailing sweetness train of disasters training and temperament trait of cynicism trance of delight tranquil grandeur tranquillity and benevolence transcendent power transfiguring tints transform into beauty transfuse and irradiate transient emotion transitory and temporary translated into fact translucent cup transmuting touch transparent and comprehensible transparent complement transport of enthusiasm trappings of wisdom treacherous and cowardly treacherous intelligence treasured possessions treat with contempt tremble and oscillate tremble with fear trembling anxiety tremendous domination tremulous sense trenchant and straightforward trenchant phrase trend of consciousness trials and tribulations tribute of admiration trick of fancy tricks and stratagems trifling and doubtful trifling superfluity trite and commonplace trite remark triumphant boldness trivial and ridiculous trivial conventionality tropical luxuriance troubled inertness troublous and menacing trudging wayfarer truisms and trivialities trust and confidence trust to chance trustworthy source truth and righteousness tumult of applause tumultuous rapture tuneful expression turbid and noise some turbulent times turgid and bombastic turgid appeal turmoil and shouting turmoil of controversy turn of events twilight of elderliness twilight shadow twinge of envy twisted and perverted twittered sleepily twofold bearing type and forerunner typical excellence tyrannical disposition tyrant and oppressor ubiquitous activity ugly revelation ulterior purpose ultimate sanction ultrafashionable world unabashed insolence unabated pleasure unaccountable and grotesque unaccountable protervity unaccustomed toil unadorned by artifice unadorned style unaffected and undaunted unaffected pathos unaffrighted innocence unagitated abstraction unalloyed satisfaction unalterable determination unanimous acclamation unanswerable argument unapologetic air unappeasable resentment unapproached and unapproachable unapproached supremacy unassailable position unassuming and unpretending unassuming dignity unattainable perfection unavailing consolation unavoidable propensities unballasted eloquence unbeaten track unbecoming behavior unbending reserve unbiased judgment unblemished character unblinking observation unblushing iteration unbounded hospitality unbridgeable chasm unbridled fancy unbroken continuity uncanny fears unceasing variation unceremonious talk uncertain tenure unchallenged supremacy unchangeable and enduring unchanging affection uncharitable ambition uncharted depths unchastised offense unclouded splendor uncomfortable doubt uncommonly attractive uncommunicable quality uncomplaining endurance uncomprehending smile uncompromising dogmatism unconcealed aversion unconditioned freedom uncongenial task unconquerable patience unconscious serenity unconsciously and innocently uncontrollable delight unconventional demeanor uncounted generations uncouth and barbarous uncouth gambols uncritical position unctuous and irresistible unctuously belaud undaunted by failure undaunted defender undazzled eyes undefined anticipations undeniable charm underlying assumption undetermined by sorrow undeveloped and ignorant undeviating consistency undignified and futile undignified peccadilloes undiluted skepticism undiminished relish undimmed luster undisciplined genius undisguised amusement undismayed expression undisputed ascendency undistracted attention undisturbed silence undivided energies undone by treachery undoubted authenticity undue predilection undulating hills unduly troublesome undying friendship unearthly gladness uneasiness and apprehension uneasy craving uneducated and inexperienced unembarrassed scrutiny unembittered sweetness unending exactions unenlightened zealot unenvied insipidity unequaled skill unequivocally resented unerring fidelity unessential details unexampled sweetness unexhausted kindliness unexpected confidence unfailing courtesy unfaltering glance unfamiliar and distant unfamiliar garb unfathomable indifference unfeigned assent unfettered and vigorous unfettered by fear unfettered liberty unflagging zest unflattering truth unflecked confidence unfledged novice unflinching zeal unfolding consciousness unforced acquiescence unforced and unchecked unforeseen vicissitudes unforgivable tragedy unfortunate and unparalleled unfounded and incredible unfounded conjecture unfulfilled longing ungainly figure ungarnished reality ungenerously resolved ungenial temperament ungovernable vehemence ungracious and reluctant ungracious temper ungrudging tribute unguessed riches unhallowed threshold unhampered expression unhappiness and discomfort unhappy predecessor unheeded beauties unheroic measure unhesitating faith unhindered flight unholy triumph uniform blending unimaginable bitterness unimpassioned dignity unimpeachable sentiment unimpeded activity uninstructed critic uninterrupted process unique and original unique in literature unique personality unity and completeness unity in diversity unity of purpose universal reprobation universality of experience unjust and ungrateful unjust depreciation unknown appellations unlettered laborer unlikely contingency unlimited and absolute unlimited opulence unlucky dissembler unmanly timidity unmastered possibility. unmeaning farce unmeasured hostility unmellowed dawn unmelodious echoes unmerciful plundering unmingled consent unmistakably fabulous unmitigated gloom unmixed astonishment unmixed with emotion unmodified passion unmurmuring sea unnatural and harmful unnecessary platitudes unnumbered thousands unobserved and unsuspected unobtrusive and tactful unobtrusive deference unostentatious display unpalatable truth unparalleled and inexhaustible unparalleled atrocities unpardonable error unphilosophical dreamer unpleasant and bewildering unpleasant excrescence unpopular and unimpressive unprecedented advance unprecedented and objectionable unprecedented in kind unprejudiced intelligence unpremeditated and heartfelt unpretentious character unprincipled violence unprofitable craft unpromising and scanty unprotected and friendless unpurchasable luxury unqualified submission unquenchable tenderness unquestionable genius unquestioning fate unreal and unsubstantial unreasonable pretense unreasoning and uncompromising unreasoning distrust unrecognized and unrewarded unredeemable forfeit unrefreshing sameness unrelaxing emphasis unrelenting spirit unremembered winter unremitting toil unrepining sadness unreproved admiration unrequited love unresentful disposition unreserved assent unresisted authority unresolved exceptions unresponsive gloom unresting speed unrestrained anger unrestricted ease unrivaled distinction unruffled concord unsatisfied yearning unscrupulous adventurer unseasonable apology unseemly and insufferable unseemly mirth unseen and unsuspected unselfish fidelity unsettled trait unshakable foundation unshrinking determination unslackened volubility unsmiling and critical unsophisticated youth unsparing abuse unspeakable delight unspiritual tone unspoiled goodness unstinted praise unsullied virtue unsurpassed purity unswerving and unfaltering unswerving integrity untameable energy unthinkable hypothesis unthinking and careless untiring energy untold calamity untoward circumstances untrammeled expression untrodden woodland untroubled repose untuneful phrase untutored and infantine untutored mind unusual and unexpected unusual audacity unutterable sadness unuttered and unutterable unvarnished feeling unwarranted limitation unwasting energies unwavering allegiance unwearied diligence unwelcome alliance unwholesome and vile unwieldy bulk unwilling homage unwittingly mingled unwonted kindness unworldly foolishness unworthy alliance unyielding nature upright and credible uproar and confusion uproarious laughter upstart and braggart upstart pretensions urbanity and unction urged by curiosity useless fripperies usher into society utilize to advantage utmost scorn utter and disastrous utter with sarcasm vacant stupidity vacillating obedience vacillation and uncertainty vacuous ease vagabondish spirit vagrancy of thought vagrant wandering vague and indistinct vaguely discursive vain and profitless vain contemplation vainglorious show valid objection validity and value valley of misfortune valuable acquisition valueless assertion vampire tongue vanguard of progress vanish into mystery vanished centuries vanities and vices vantage ground vapid generalities vapory and chaotic variable temperament varied and animated variegated career varnish and falsehood vassals and inferiors vast advantage vast and superlative veering purpose vehemence of manner vehement and clamorous vehement panting vehicle of intercourse veil of futurity veiled and unreadable veiled insolence vein of snobbishness velocity of movement velvety lawn venality and corruption venerable and interesting venerable placidity venomous passion venture to say veracious journals veracity and fidelity verbal audacities verbally and literally verbose manner verdant hope verifiable facts veritable triumph vernacular expression vernal charm versatile grace versatility and sympathy versed in knowledge vestige of regard vexation and anxiety vexatious circumstances vibrant with feeling vibrating and sonorous vicarious virtue vicissitudes of life view with awe views and experiences vigilant and inflexible vigilant sensibility vigorous and graphic vigorous invective vile desecrater villainous inconsistency vindictive sentiment violent agitation violent and ill-balanced virgin grace virile leadership virtual surrender virtuous and wise virtuous disdain virulence and invective virulent prejudice visible and apparent visible embarrassment vision of splendor visionary and obscure visionary dreamer vistas and backgrounds vital and vigorous vital interpretation vital to success vitalized by thought vitiate and poison vitiated taste vitriolic sneer vituperation and abuse vivacious and agreeable vivacious excitement vivid and varied vivid portrayal vividness of memory vociferous appeal voice of ambition voiceless multitude void and nothingness void of authority volatile and fiery volatile fragrance volcanic suddenness voluble prose volubly and exuberantly volume and impetus volume of trade voluminous and varied voluminous biography voluntarily and habitually voluntary relinquishment voracious animosity votive wreath vow of allegiance vulgar and artificial vulgar prosperity vulnerable foe wabbling enterprise waggishly sapient wailing winds wallow in idolatry wander into digression wandering and erratic wandering fancy waning popularity wanting in dignity wanton and unnecessary wanton butchery war and revelry warbling lute warlike trappings warmth of temperament warning prophecy warp and woof warped purpose warranted interference waste of opportunity wasteful and circuitous wasteful prodigality wave of depression waver in purpose wavering courage waxing and waning waxwork sex wayward fancy weak and perfidious weak in conception weakly imaginative wealth and distinction wealth of meaning weariness of sorrow wearisome and dull wearisome wordiness web of villainy wedded incompatibility wedded to antiquity weighed and winnowed weight of argument weighty and dominant weighty argument weird and fantastic weird fascination welcoming host well-turned period weltering current wheedled into acquiescence wheezing and puffing whiff of irritation whims and inconsistencies whimsical touch whirl of delight whirligig of life whirling confusion whirlwind of words whirring loom whispering breeze whistling winds whited sepulcher wholesome and beautiful wholesome aspirations wholly and solely wholly commendable wicked and malicious wicked ingratitude wide signification widened and amplified widespread acclaim wield with power wild and irregular wild extravagance wilderness of perplexities wiles of innocence willful waywardness willing allegiance willowy nothingness wily and observant wily antagonist winding pilgrimage windowless soul winged fancies winking and blinking winking stars winning and unforced winning plaintiveness winsome girlhood wise and beneficent wise dissertations wistful and dreamy wistful entreaty wit and jocularity withdraw into solitude withered and wan withering scorn witnessing approval witty expedient wizard influence woe and lamentation woebegone countenance woeful weariness wolfish tendency womanlike loveliness won by aggression wonder and delight wonderful affluence wonted activity word of opprobrium wordy warfare work and utility work of supererogation work with zeal world of fantasy worldly and ambitious worn by time worth and excellence worthy achievement worthy of mention wounded avarice wrath and menace wrathful pugnacity wrenched by emotions wretched and suppliant wretched effeminacy wriggling disputant writhing opponent yawning space yearning and eagerness yearning tenderness yield to reason yielding and obedience yielding disposition yoke and bondage yoke of convention young and fragile youthful ambition youthful and callow zeal and vehemence zealous devotion zenith and climax zest and freshness zest of enjoyment zigzag and deviating zigzag method zone of delusion zoologically considered oh hello there jetbrains best of the best @author CrazyDoctor(CrazyPhD) i have crippling depression directed by robert b weide